Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening in NYC

Teeth Whitening Specialist in New York City

A brilliant smile builds confidence and opens the world to you. Stun the world your new, breathtaking smile after a professional teeth whitening appointment. Visit your local cosmetic dentist for a professional teeth bleaching and discover the difference a brilliant smile makes.

At Advanced Dental Arts, your smile will shine 10 shades whiter after just 1 session. We use a state-of-the-art dental laser combined with the Sapphire Whitening System to brighten the smiles of local Greenwich village residents. Don’t wait any longer. It’s your time to glow.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Stains naturally build on teeth over time leading to unsightly, embarrassing tooth stains. Age, food, smoking, and wine cause teeth to lose their shine over time. Even with proper oral hygiene and at-home teeth whitening kits, teeth can stay stained without bleaching.

Professional teeth whitening (also known as bleaching) is a common cosmetic dentistry procedure that offers a quick solution. With just one visit, you can erase years of stains. Restore your smile to its youthful, brilliance.

How Professional Teeth Whitening Works in NYC

Whitening your teeth is a great way to create a healthier-looking smile and boost your confidence. Over the counter, take-home whitening kits have made teeth whitening more popular than ever. But these over the counter teeth whitening strips can be messy and inconvenient. Worse, they can only get your teeth slightly brighter.

Here’s what to expect at your teeth whitening appointment:
  • Gum Protection: Your cosmetic dentist will cover your gums with an opal dam, an elastic that protects them against any potential reactions to the whitening agent.
  • Add the Gel: A Hydrogen peroxide gel is carefully applied to the teeth from premolar to premolar. Every 20 minutes, we take it off and put a fresh coat on.
  • Activate the Gel: Using a state-of-the-art light, Each layer of gel is light activated by the bright, blue-gas plasma wave light.

Sapphire™ Whitening

At Advanced Dental Arts, we use the Sapphire™ In-Office Teeth Whitening System. It’s a safe, gentle, effective way to whiten teeth. In an hour, you’ll achieve the bright, healthy smile you’ve always wanted. The Sapphire Whitening System combines a no-heat curing light, with a potent bleaching gel giving you the best results in just one visit.

Sapphire in-office teeth whitening can potentially lighten your smile up to 10 shades. And most patients report little to no post-whitening sensitivity. Don’t suffer from embarrassing stains on your teeth. Book a dental appointment with your local cosmetic dentist today!

Flexible Payment and Insurance Options Available for Treatment

We understand dental care can be expensive. That’s why we accept all major insurance plans, from Aetna to Cigna Global to United Concordia. We want to make sure you get the dental treatment you deserve.

Conveniently Located Manhattan Dental Practice

Advanced Dental Arts NYC serves the entire Greenwich Village community as well as the surrounding area: West & East Village, and Lower Manhattan. ADA is located near NYU and Washington Square Park and can be quickly reached by anyone near its 10003 zip code.

Office Hours

Monday: 9AM – 5PM
Tuesday: 9AM – 7PM
Wednesday: 9AM – 5PM
Thursday: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 9AM – 3PM
Saturday: 9AM – 5PM
Sunday: Closed

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