How Much Do Dental Implants Cost in Manhattan?

Are NYC Dental Implants Your Best Option?

Dental implants are great for patients with sensitive gag reflexes, sore spots, and poor ridges that are better off with implants. However, they’re not the only cosmetic treatment option out there. If you’re looking to restore your smile, you need to know about dental implant cost and whether or not they’re the best treatment option for you.

What Are The Benefits of Dental Implants in NYC?

You don’t have to suffer through tooth loss. With dental implants, you can restore your smile in Greenwich village. But some people are hesitant because of the expense. You get what you pay for though. Any dental implant is a permanent oral fixture that has a very high success rate, justifying the cost. However, that’s not all. There are more benefits to dental implants.

Dental Implants Look and Feel Like Natural Teeth

There have been plenty of advancements in cosmetic dentistry, and dental implants are no exception. Your artificial teeth will look and feel like normal teeth. Enjoy your life without worrying about whether or not people will notice your dental implants.

You Can Finally Eat Normal Again

Without dental implants, your bite changes. Teeth move into the space left from a lost tooth and the surrounding jaw bone weakens. This can even make it impossible to eat certain types of food. However, with dental implants, you can eat anything you want.

Smile with More Confidence

Missing teeth make it hard to smile. But with dental implants, your local dentist will restore your smile. Over time, your bone and facial structure will improve as well, resorting to your youthful smile once again. And, you may even speak more clearly.

What Are My Alternatives to Dental Implants

If you want to get a dental implant in NYC, but you’re worried about the cost, then you do have other options. These are cheaper in the short run. However, costs can add up over time due if and when further dental work is needed. These are the most common dental implant alternatives.

  • Full Mouth Dentures: A common teeth replacement, these help patients missing all of their teeth (from damage and disease). The main downsides are the maintenance, replacement cost, and limitations to what you can eat.
  • Partial Dentures: Use when some teeth are missing, this dental appliance clips to existing teeth, filling in missing teeth. They can be uncomfortable and not as secure. Also, they tend to require regular maintenance.
  • Fixed Bridges: Your dentist will shave down anchor teeth around your missing tooth and then attach a dental bridge that covers those teeth while bridging the gap with a false tooth. The main downside is that the bridge can damage existing teeth, leading to more dental work in the future.

If you’re looking for a permanent replacement, then searching for “dental implants near me” and finding your best local cosmetic dentist is your best option. That way, you can discuss whether or not dental implants will work for you.

How Much Does a Dental Implant Cost in Greenwich Village?

While dentures are a more affordable option than dental implants, they come with many drawbacks. They’re not durable and can break if you drop them. They don’t look natural. And they’re also inconvenient. They can slip around in your mouth, affecting how you talk, limit your diet, and need to be thoroughly cleaned often. Dental implants offer a better investment.

While dental implants come at a cost, they’re not unaffordable. Dental implants are made from titanium and shaped to fit your mouth. And they require the expertise of a dentist near you to surgically implant them into your jaw. But they’re made to last well over 20 years. (Dentures only last between 5 – 8 years, earlier if they break.)

The cost of dental implants vary depending on the case, but average around $3,500 – $4000 for a single tooth replacement. Full dental implant-supported dentures are more expensive but vary depending on what needs to be done. The best way to find out how much dental implants cost is to speak with a top-rated cosmetic dentist near you.

Patients can pay for treatment using their Flexible Spending Account (FSA), which works like dental implant financing without a credit check while reducing costs by one-third or more at the same time. Schedule the procedure at the beginning of the FSA plan year, and repay your employer using pre-tax dollars, which reduces the federal and state taxes you must pay.

Is a Dental Implant Worth The Cost?

If you’re looking for a permanent solution to missing or diseased teeth, then dental implants are the best solution for you. Provided you have a strong jaw, good oral health, and you’re not a smoker. But the best way to find out the exact cost of dental implants and whether or not they’re right for you, you need to book an appointment with a local cosmetic dentist.

Affordable Dental Implants in Greenwich Village

The health of your smile is something you should never have to worry about in Manhattan. And with dental implants, you can live life with your beautiful smile restored. You can find more confidence, improved oral health, and the freedom to eat and live by booking an appointment with a top-rated cosmetic dentist near you. For more information about dental implant costs and concerns check out Advanced Dental Arts.

We’re a top-rated, New York City-based dental practice located near New York University. Our dynamic team of board-certified dental specialists provides the best cosmetic dentistry in NYC. And if you’re worried about the cost of dental implants, we’re an NYC dental practice that takes Cigna, Aetna, Delta, and other dental insurance.

Contact us and ask about how dental implants can benefit you!

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