The Truth About Affordable Dental Implants

What You Should Know About Affordable Dental Implants in NYC

Tooth loss isn’t just embarrassing, it can be a frustrating issue that complicates your daily life. Suddenly, your diet changes. You worry about smiling. And you may even have to deal with psychological factors like depression or frustration. However, tooth loss is far from permanent. For Greenwich Village residents looking to replace a tooth or multiple teeth, a permanent solution is as simple as googling, “affordable dental implants near me”.

What Is an Affordable Dental Implant?

An affordable dental implant (endosseous implant or figure) is an anchor for an extracted or lost tooth that your local dentist inserts into your jaw. Typically, your dentist will drill the titanium implant directly into the bone so that it can osseointegrate with the surrounding tissue.

After a healing period, a dentist near you will place an abutment to the end of the implant. Basically, that’s a tiny fixture that helps the necessary dental prostheses attach. Bridges, crowns, dentures, and artificial teeth, all connect to the dental implant permanent through the abutment that holds them permanently in place.

Osseointegration takes between 6 weeks – 6 months. During this time, the implant will anchor and connect to the surrounding tissue. If that doesn’t happen, the anchor implant won’t work.



Reasons for Dental Implants in NYC

The most common reason for a dental implant is to replace teeth. Many people wrongfully think that replacing missing teeth is simply a cosmetic issue. That’s far from the case. Without the best dental implant from your local dentist, your entire oral health can suffer. Tooth loss causes your jaw bone to weaken and teeth to slide. As a result, your bite changes.

What Types of Dental Implants Exist Near Me?

There are 3 different types of affordable dental implants, each designed for a specific patient. Whether you have a missing or diseased tooth that needs to be extracted, you can find the best dental implants for your specific needs at your local dentist. Here are the 4 main types:

  • Endosteal Dental Implants: These are the most common type of dental implant. A patient has the implants placed into their healthy jawbone. Then, the bone heals over it, securing it in place and the teeth attach to the dental implant.
  • Subperiosteal Dental Implants: This is a less common procedure used with patients who don’t have strong, healthy jawbones. The patient has a metal frame placed under the gum with protruding posts. The gum heals over the frame and the artificial teeth attach to the protruding posts.
  • Zygomatic Dental Implants: For patients who aren’t a candidate for either procedure due to weak jawbones, this procedure anchors the teeth into the cheekbone instead. It’s a far more complex and rare procedure, however.

What Does an Affordable Dental Implant Procedure Near Me Look Like?

Dental implants are extremely common: over 3 million people in the US have them. So, what does a dental implant procedure look like? It’s a pretty straightforward process that starts with a consultation at your local cosmetic dentist. After an evaluation of your health to ensure you’re a suitable candidate for implants, you’ll schedule an appointment for your dental implant surgery.

When you visit your local cosmetic dentist, they’ll create an individualized treatment plan for you. Everyone’s mouth is different. So, each dental implant treatment varies. They’ll map out your jaw and determine the exact placement of your implants using state of the art technology. This allows them to easily place your implant without excessive cutting.


Next comes your affordable dental implant surgery. Your dentist will cut through the gums and place the implant directly into your jaw. Basically, the dental implant serves as your new root. It’s made of titanium, so it’s built to last. When the jaw heals, it will fuse to the implant, securing it in place. The healing process can take up to 6 months and in some cases 8 months.

With the jaw healed and the implant ready, your dentist will place an abutment into the implant. The abutment is a small connector that holds your new tooth in place. Next, you’ll have a tooth made based on your bite and matched to the color of surrounding teeth so it looks and feels natural. Once ready, the replacement tooth (called a crown) attaches to your abutment.

How to Tell if You’re a Candidates for Affordable Dental Implants

The best candidates for affordable dental implants have the bone density needed to support dental implants. They’re in good health (both overall health and dental health). And you need to be free from gum disease. The best way to find out if you’re eligible for dental implants though is to book an appointment with your local cosmetic dentist.

Dental Implant Surgery and Dental Sedation

Implant surgery is a surgical procedure that will require some level of dental sedation. If you’re only having 1 or 2 affordable dental implants placed, then you probably don’t need to be fully put under. However, if you prefer sleep dentistry, that’s a conversation you can have with your local dentist.

Your dentist will use either IV or oral sedation to help keep you relaxed and calm during the duration of the implant surgery. That’s perfect for patients who have anxiety about visiting the dentist and are worried about their implant surgery.

Common Dental Implant Problems in Greenwich

Dental implants aren’t indestructible. Like your natural teeth, hard foods and injuries can damage, crack, or break the dental implant, abutment, and artificial teeth. Keep in mind that artificial teeth don’t cause pain when damaged. So, make sure you get routine check-ups to ensure your teeth are healthy and in good shape.

(And if you do experience a dental emergency that damages your implants, you can quickly visit your local emergency dentist to have the damage repaired.)

There are a few risks and problems you should be aware of with affordable dental implant surgery as well. Delays in bone healing, jaw fractures, prolonged bleeding, infection, and nerve damage are risks you should acknowledge. But with a top-rated cosmetic dentist, you’ll be in good hands.

Can I Get Affordable Dental Implants Near Me?

Tooth loss isn’t something you should feel embarrassed about or suffer from if you live in Manhattan. With affordable dental implants, you can restore your dental health and your smile.  Check out Advanced Dental Arts for more information on whether or not dental implants are right for you.

We’re a top-rated, New York City-based dental practice located near New York University. Our dynamic team of board-certified dental specialists providing the best cosmetic dentistry in NYC.

Whether you’re looking for an NYC dental practice near you that takes Cigna, Aetna, Delta, or any other dental insurance, contact us and ask about how dental implants can benefit you!

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Monday: 9AM – 5PM
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