Laser Dentistry

Experience a Faster, Easier Recovery with Dental Lasers

Laser dentistry offers a less invasive alternative to traditional dental procedures. Advanced Dental Arts uses state-of-the-art lasers for dental therapy, eliminating unnecessary surgeries, painful procedures, and lengthy recovery times.

Find out if laser dentistry is right for you today!

Procedures That Use Dental Lasers:

  • Repairing Tooth Decay: Lasers preserve healthy tooth enamel and allow for greater comfort when treating minimally invasive fillings. You may not even need local anesthesia.
  • Tooth Cleanings: Lasers destroy bacteria and viruses on contact, helping dentists rapidly clean your teeth and leave them healthier and shinier than ever.
  • Gum Surgery: Our periodontal specialist can erase the signs of gum disease from your smile without the long, painful recovery time than traditional gum surgery requires.
  • Cold Sore, Herpes, and Other Soft Tissue Lesions Removal: soft tissue lasers can lessen the symptoms and speed up the recovery time of cold sores (herpetic lesions). The dental laser kills the virus that causes an outbreak without touching your skin, providing immediate relief.

Types of Dental Lasers

We use three types of dental lasers at Advanced Dental Arts, the WaterLase laser, Diode laser, and the PerioLaseMVP-7 laser to perform a variety of dental procedures. Here’s how each laser works and what they do.

WaterLase Laser

WaterLaser is a dental laser that combines water, air, and laser energy to gently cut with precision. It can cut soft tissue, like gums, and hard tissues, such as the bone of the jaw. As an alternative to drills, these lasers are so precise that minimal or no anesthesia is necessary.

Diode Laser

The diode laser is a soft tissue laser used for gently reshaping the gum tissue otherwise known as a “gum-lift”, creating proper symmetry in smiles. It’s also used for treating herpes lesions or cold sores with shorter recovery times and less pain than other traditional treatments.

PerioLase MVP-7 laser

The FDA-approved PerioLase MVP-7 is used in Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP), an alternative treatment for gum disease. This laser only targets infectious bacteria that cause advanced gum disease. Rather than traditional gum surgery, there’s no scalpel, no sutures, and no long, painful recovery times. It’s a modern, less invasive approach to traditional gum surgery.

Common Questions About Laser Dentistry

We understand that patients may be hesitant about lasers. But since they’ve been approved by the FDA in the 1990s, they’ve been instrumental in redefining dental practices. These are a few common questions patients have about laser dentistry.

What Is Laser Treatment in Dentistry?

Laser dentistry is the use of lasers instead of traditional tools like drills and scalpels to perform dental procedures. Dental lasers use focused light beams to either reshape or remove tissues, activate bleaching agents during whitening procedures, and cure bonding agents. And they’ve been used in dental practices since their approval by the FDA in 1990.

Is Laser Dentistry Treatment Better than Traditional Treatments?

The biggest benefit of using lasers over traditional methods is that it’s more comfortable for the patient. Drills and scalpels require anesthesia and often long recovery periods because they’re so invasive. Lasers use light to reshape or remove tissues, making them far less invasive. As a result, patients often feel very little pain during or after the procedure.

Are Dental Lasers Safe?

Dental lasers have been safely used in dentistry since their approval by the FDA in 1990. They’re commonly used in a variety of procedures along with other dental tools and without issue.

Do Lasers Kill Bacteria?

One of the major benefits of using lasers is that they can narrow in on harmful bacteria and viruses and destroy them without damaging the surrounding tissue. There’s also less chance of contagions spreading due to aerosols because the laser kills them on contact.

Do Dental Lasers Hurt?

The pain associated with dental procedures is often due to how invasive they can be. Lasers aren’t invasive. They use precise beams of light to minimize the damage to surrounding tissue. As a result, laser dentistry is pretty much pain-free.

Is Laser Dental Cleanings Worth It?

Laser dental cleanings are safe, effective ways to clean your teeth better than traditional teeth cleanings. It’s often more comfortable for the patient with less swelling, bleeding, and anxiety for patients. It’s also far more effective at removing infected tissue. These benefits often justify the additional cost for patients.

Flexible Payment and Insurance Options Available for Sedation Dentistry in New York City

While we understand that lasers provide a superior alternative to traditional dental procedures, we know laser dentistry can be expensive. But, we also believe you should get the dental treatment you deserve.

That’s why we accept all major insurance plans, from Aetna to Cigna Global to United Concordia. We also offer flexible payment plans suited to each of our patients. Contact us directly with any questions or concerns about payment and insurance.

Office Hours

Monday: 9AM – 5PM
Tuesday: 9AM – 7PM
Wednesday: 9AM – 5PM
Thursday: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 9AM – 3PM
Saturday: 9AM – 5PM
Sunday: Closed

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