Dental Implants

Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants NYC

If you have missing teeth, there’s no better solution than a permanent dental implant. Unlike other types of restorations that require support from adjacent teeth, an implant stands independently and works like a natural tooth. And our team at Advanced Dental Arts has the specialist training to give you the perfect custom dental implant you need in NYC.

Our team will place these artificial tooth roots, designed from titanium, directly into your bone. This is similar to a natural tooth. Your body will then develop new bone around the implant, permanently anchoring the prosthetic tooth into place.

The results are profound.

With a new dental implant, your smile will return. And you’ll be able to speak, smile, and eat with confidence.

Types of Dental Implants Available

At Advanced Dental Arts, we only use the highest quality dental implants for our patients. But we don’t use a single type of implant for everyone. Rather, we tailor the specific type of restoration to the long-term health goals for your smile. This includes Mini Dental Implants, Straumann Dental Implants, White Dental Implants, and a variety of Restoration Options.

Mini Dental Implants

Mini implants are a minimally invasive alternative to traditional implants. These implants stabilize dentures, providing a secure surface for a denture fitted with metal housings to snap onto and remain in place. They can be set up in a single appointment. And they also require less healing time and expense than traditional implants.

Straumann Dental Implants

Straumann Dental Implants are high-quality, traditional implants. These implants require a more involved surgical procedure. Candidates also need to have a sufficiently healthy bone density in their jaws so they can anchor properly. Straussman dental implants can provide stability anywhere from the soft tissue to the bone level.

White (Zirconia) Dental Implants

Traditionally, dental implants are made of titanium. However, that’s not the best option for all patients. at Advanced Dental Arts, we offer zirconia dental implants as well. These ceramic implants are naturally white, so they don’t stain your teeth. And there are other benefits to choosing White Dental Implants as well.

Dental Restoration Options

Dental implants provide a lasting foundation for replacement teeth. It should feel and look natural. Most importantly, they should function like regular teeth. Depending on the number of teeth that you have missing, we can use various restoration options. At Advanced Dental Arts, we can use implants for:

  • Individual teeth with a single porcelain crown
  • Multiple teeth with an implant-supported bridge
  • All of your teeth at once with a secured denture

Dental Implant Specialists in Greenwich Village

For something as serious as dental implants, you need assurance that your procedure will be meticulously completed with the highest level of accuracy and skill. And our team at Advanced Dental Arts will not settle for anything less. We’ve been providing dental implants for Greenwich village patients and residents of lower Manhattan for years.

Our specialists and implant experts will perform your entire implant procedure right here in our Manhattan dentist office. And you’ll have the care and comfort you deserve without the need to travel anywhere else in the city. (Sedation options are available.)

Flexible Payment and Insurance Options Available for Treatment

We understand dental care can be expensive. That’s why we accept all major insurance plans, from Aetna to Cigna Global to United Concordia. We want to make sure you get the dental treatment you deserve.

Conveniently Located Manhattan Dental Practice

Advanced Dental Arts NYC serves the entire Greenwich Village community as well as the surrounding area: West & East Village, and Lower Manhattan. ADA is located near NYU and Washington Square Park and can be quickly reached by anyone near its 10003 zip code.

Office Hours

Monday: 9AM – 5PM
Tuesday: 9AM – 7PM
Wednesday: 9AM – 5PM
Thursday: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 9AM – 3PM
Saturday: 9AM – 5PM
Sunday: Closed

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