Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges: An Easy Solution to Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can cause concern and embarrassment. They can affect your speech, how you eat, and may even lower your self-confidence. But it’s far from permanent. Restore your smile, confidence, and oral health with dental bridges.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a restoration technique that uses healthy teeth surrounding a missing tooth to anchor in one or more false teeth. The result is the creation of a “bridge” between them.

The anchor teeth each receive crowns to stabilize them and connect them securely to the bridge. The result is that your bridge teeth will look like porcelain crowns, matching the surrounding teeth.

The materials and procedures used for dental bridges vary from patient to patient. Your dentist will determine you have the right dental bridge to fully restore the beauty of your smile.

What to Expect From Dental Bridges in Manhattan

A dental bridge procedure generally takes two visits to complete. On your first visit, we’ll prep your supporting teeth and make a mold of your bite using a soft impression material. And you’ll leave our office with temporary teeth. On your second visit, we fit the fixed prosthesis and bond your dental bridge into place.

We also match each bridge to resemble your smile’s natural appearance (in both shape and color). This way, people won’t realize you were missing teeth in the first place.

Post-Treatment for Dental Bridges in Greenwich Village

It’s important to remember that crowned teeth and bridges require good daily care. Be sure to brush and floss every day. You also need to schedule regular cleanings. But if you care for your dental bridge properly, it can last a lifetime.

Concerned about problems caused by missing teeth? Whether for cosmetic or functional reasons, dental bridges can give you confidence and restore the functionality of your teeth.

Flexible Payment and Insurance Options for Dental Bridges in NYC

Dental bridges are a fast, easy way to restore your smile. We also know how important restoring the functionality of your teeth is. And we understand that dental bridges aren’t always an affordable option.

That’s why we accept all major insurance plans, from Aetna to Cigna Global to United Concordia. We also offer flexible payment plans suited to each of our patients. Contact us directly with any questions or concerns about payment and insurance.

Office Hours

Monday: 9AM – 5PM
Tuesday: 9AM – 7PM
Wednesday: 9AM – 5PM
Thursday: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 9AM – 3PM
Saturday: 9AM – 5PM
Sunday: Closed

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